Videos and Recordings
The Center for Land Use and Sustainability produces videos on a range of topics related to GIS and land use research, climate change, and sustainability. Watch videos from the CLUS on our YouTube channel, or view them below.
The CLUS Climate Series provides a forum for members of the public and municipal officials to learn about climate change. This series is focused on various elements of climate change and anticipated impacts within our region.
The Center for Land Use and Sustainability participates in the annual World-Wide Climate Justice Teach-In. Hundreds of thousands of people around the globe participate in the Teach-In each year to discuss and learn about climate change and climate justice.
The ShipComposts project is a student-led composting initiative with a goal of bridging issues related to food waste, food insecurity, and soil health. The project takes food waste produced at the university dining hall and turns it into compost and features educational and outreach activities
Celebrate StewardSHIP Week at Shippensburg University! Click below to watch CLUS Affiliate Scholars discuss sustainability initiatives, and learn more about the Campus Climate Commitment, Earth Day, bees, home gardening, the rail trail, Arbor Day, and more.
ESTEEM (Exploring Science, Technology, Engineering, Earth Science, and Mathematics) is a science and mathematics conference with hands-on workshops for regional young women in 7th & 8th grade. Watch the 2021 Geography-Earth Science Panel!
CLUS Affiliate Scholars discuss the impacts of Hurricane Ida. Topics include hurricanes and floods affected by climate change, erosion impacts in our local waterways, heavy precipitation impacting water quality, and climate hazards increasing as the earth warms.
Learn more about the technical work conducted by CLUS Affiliate Scholars. Featured projects include an Upper Delaware GIS tool, an NLCD product comparison for the DRB, comparing the NLCD and UVM 1m land cover database for the DRB, future land use scenarios for the DRWI, and Japanese Knotweed in the Upper Delaware.
The Conodoguinet Creek Watershed Association (CCWA) celebrated its 30th anniversary by sharing its story, which highlights the creek, its tributaries, the watershed, the Conodoguinet Creek Water Trail, and accomplishments of the CCWA itself. The final product is the result of a collaborative effort among the CCWA, the CLUS, and the Office of Communication and Marketing at Ship.
The Center for Land Use and Sustainability is involved in a variety of Student and Research Projects related to land use.