Get Involved!

The Center for Land Use and Sustainability (CLUS) of Shippensburg University serves as a key resource in South Central Pennsylvania, fostering healthy, vibrant, and sustainable communities through applied research, experiential learning opportunities, and interdisciplinary, cross-sector partnerships. The CLUS strives to be a leader in transforming scientific research into social innovations that promote a thriving economy while preserving resources and reducing the impacts of climate change. Learn how you can attend our events, donate to the CLUS, serve on our advisory council, and otherwise support the CLUS:

Collaborate on Research and Scholarship

Community Research

As part of our commitment to facilitating campus-community engagement through applied research, the CLUS maintains this library of project needs that have been submitted by community partners. View potential research projects and learn how you can get involved!

Fund research and scholarship

The CLUS is always interested in pursuing cross-sector partnerships and collaborations. We offer a wide range of consulting expertise with our diverse team of Affiliate Scholars and Students Fellows. Consider funding research within your community, or collaboratively pursuing funding to support research and scholarship.

Support a student 

We strive to involve students in each of our research projects and analyses. This real-world experience prepares students for the future workforce, while completing important work in our communities. You can support a student through mentoring, advising, or donating to the CLUS.

Donate to the CLUS

Your tax-deductible donation through the SU Foundation will support student scholarship and interdisciplinary collaborations. Donate today or contact us to learn more.

Host student interns

Does your organization need talented students? Many of our majors at SU require or encourage an internship as part of the academic experience. We can help you identify a student to fit your needs for a semester or year-long internship. Students and businesses can contact us to learn more.

Join our team

Affiliate Scholars

The CLUS strives to support Shippensburg University faculty research and interdisciplinary collaborations. The expertise of our scholars is wide-ranging, and we can offer consulting expertise in a variety of areas. Become an affiliate scholar, or contact us to learn more!

Student Fellows

Through scholarship with our Affiliate Scholars and community partners, our students build professional networks and skills that prepare them for the workforce or further studies, while addressing sustainability challenges. Learn more about our students, current on-campus employment opportunities through Ship Career Connection, or contact us to learn more!

Serve on our Advisory Council

The CLUS advisory council is composed of industry and community partners, SU alumni, students, faculty, and administrators to provide guidance on strategic direction and relevant workforce needs. This council provides expertise related to program assessment and finances. Contact us to learn more.

Stay in touch!

Stay up-to-date by subscribing to our newsletter and following @ShipCLUS on social media (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter). You can also view our annual reports and learn more about our projects.

Support the Mission of the CLUS
The mission of the Center for Land Use and Sustainability is to support science-based solutions to interdisciplinary sustainability challenges. Your donation to the Center for Land Use and Sustainability Fund at the SU Foundation is tax deductible. Learn more about how you can support the CLUS!