The Center for Applied History is now part of the Center for Land Use and Sustainability! This new affiliation will expand opportunities for our affiliate scholars and student fellows to advance the CLUS mission through heritage-based community development projects.

Center for Applied History
In Spring 2021, the Center for Applied History (CAH) became part of the CLUS. Two CAH Graduate Student Fellows and one Geography-Earth Science Student began working on the following projects:
– Research on Furnace Run Park, including documentation of previous owners and operators. This research includes archival and deed research, as well as working to identify the physical location of the Southhampton Iron Furnace. Results will be used to support preservation of any remaining resources, and development of public outreach materials.
– Documentation of African-American cemeteries throughout Pennsylvania. This research includes identification of potential grants and funding to preserve these resources. The goal is to eventually map the cemeteries and make the information accessible to the public for personal interest and future research.
Center for Rural Pennsylvania Historic Preservation Inventory
With support from the Center for Rural Pennsylvania, from 2017-2018, the CLUS and partners at Millersville University conducted an Inventory & Analysis of Historic Preservation Ordinances in Pennsylvania Municipalities. The results of this research were presented to the state legislature to inform decisions about providing support for historic preservation at the municipal level.
Read more about the project or view the final report.
Center for Rural Pennsylvania Historic Preservation Inventory
With support from the Center for Rural Pennsylvania, from 2017-2018, the CLUS and partners at Millersville University conducted an Inventory & Analysis of Historic Preservation Ordinances in Pennsylvania Municipalities. The results of this research were presented to the state legislature to inform decisions about providing support for historic preservation at the municipal level.
Read more about the project or view the final report.